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This is a page where the guys can add comments, their reflections on life, pictures they want to share and so on.

Contact received from Geoff on 12th November

Hi Guys, this is the sand portrait of (WW1) driver Stephen Hewitt etched in the sand on Brancaster beach Norfolk. The reporter described the incoming tide 'taking him into its arms.'  His grandaughter lives in Newcastle and only heard about it two days previously. She said she cried all the way on the drive down to see it. One of the most emotional events yesterday. Organised by film director Danny Boyle.



World War II Stories

Russ has been telling us about some of the research he has been doing for the SBHS Museum.  In particular his search for Biographies and photographs of Old Boys who had died in both the World Wars.  He has come across a number of interesting stories.  Here's one:  In WW2 at 8.00 am on 21 November 1943, Corporal John Berry, an Old Boy of SBHS, and two others crossed the Sangro River in Eastern Italy.  Arriving on the far bank, Berry left his men behind and went on alone to the foot of a cliff. He left his gun and then, apparently, climbed the cliff unarmed.  He did not return and nothing more was heard of him until months later when his grave was found near Chieti, Italy. A mystery indeed.

Another story relates to the RNZAF's heaviest single loss in their history when 20 airmen disappeared in a Dakota (DC3) travelling back to New Zealand from Vanuatu.  On board was SBHS Old Boy Oswald Bath. The plane which was to make contact every half-hour was last heard 330 miles north of Norfolk Island and was thought to be in the vicinity of New Caledonia when it went down.  Sixteen planes carried out an extensive search but nothing was found.

SBHS Old Boy Harold Vickery while evacuating British aircraft from Norway in June 1940 landed his Gladiator on HMS Glorious.  He was killed a few hours later when the German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau spotted the Glorious along with HMS Ardent and HMS Acasta and sank all three ships.  Over 1,500 lives were lost and controversy began almost immediately.  Check out The Tragedy of the Glorious on Youtube.

              Gloster Gladiator                                   HMS Glorious


And More Ghost Signs

Here are a couple more ghost signs I came across this morning.  It makes me wonder how many more there are around town.  Keep your eyes peeled!

       The one on the left was found in Pork Pie Lane, the other in Spey Street.

Sign outside bookshop since Trump!

Russ was recently in Britain and came across this wonderful ghost sign in Matlock, Derbyshire ...

Russ was in Oamaru in March and found this delightful ghost sign - you've got to laugh (no wonder it's budget!!)


Honorary Member Dusty was enjoying a coffee in the Lost Gypsy at Papatowai recently when he spotted someone he knew - going over to him with hand outstretched he excitedly said, "Wow, it's bloody George Clarke (of Amazing Spaces and Restoration Man fame) or his doppelgänger."  George blithely replied, "I feel sorry for the doppelgänger!"  George was in the Catlins doing some filming, probably adverts for Mitre 10.

Yet More Ghost Signs

A friend recently sent these four ghost signs she spotted in Sydney - thanks Brie!

More on Ghost Signs

Bruce's photo of the Southland Sports Depot ghost sign in a lane just off Dee Street got me thinking about whether there might be more in Invercargill.  I found one on the web for cordials agent A.E. Beadle.  This got me wondering about other old signs, not necessarily hand painted, that might be around the place and I remembered the ones found in the Civic Theatre during its refurbishment.  We're going to put on our thinking caps about this .... thanks for the motivation Bruce and watch this space!

         Another Invercargill ghost sign,                       Another view of the              Buckham's Cordials, Agent A.E. Beadle           Southland Sport's                                                                                     Depot ghost sign                                 

Two pre-1920 show signs from the Civic Theatre and the Henri French Company poster from the 1920s

In 2012, after walls of the Southland Education building were demolished, the facade of David Strang's was exposed.  This company was the first in the world to take out a patent (in 1890) for making instant coffee.  The coffee powder was sold in jars (centre) and tins (right) - coffee aficionados doubt, due to the process involved in making the powder, that the coffee tasted very good by today's standards.

Expedition for more Ghost Signs

Armed with camera and enthusiasm Lynley and I went out searching for more ghost signs - and we found some!  First up we knew of the Exide Battery ad of  Watts and Grieves on the wall adjacent to the new Outdoor World on Esk Street.  To get a good view we had to climb to the fourth floor of the Civic Administration building.  We took a number of photos despite part of the sign being obscured.  Eagle-eyed Lynley spotted the next sign for Stewarts Wool Store.  She had to stand in the middle of the road by Grey Power to take the photo.  Another sign was Craigs on Tay Steet​.  This company is of course still trading but not from the same building.  Our next find was on another building on Esk Street.  Almost completely faded it was for AMP Insurance.  Finally, in a side alley off Esk Street, we came across this symbol of a musical note.  It's probably associated with a music shop but at this stage that's as much as we know. 

Watts and Grieves, Esk Street           Stewarts Wool Store, Esk Street             Craigs, Tay Street

AMP Insurance, Esk Street

      Music Store (?), Esk Street       Graffiti from Civic Theatre

(This sign was executed by our Chatter Bruce Clearwater - well done Bruce!) 

These may not qualify as ghost signs although the buildinngs are no longer fulfilling their original function. These are Lynley's photos again.

   New Zealand Insurance          Company Limited

             Ranfurly House

               Craig Printing                          Printers  Bookbinders            Office Machinery and Equipment

                                                                                                       Commercial & Household Stationery

          Southland Times Limited

These two you will recognise, they are from out of town,  The one the left is from Linty south of Lumsden, the one on the right from Garston.

    Thanks for these as well Bruce.

These three were taken by Bruce.  The two on the left just by Thai Saigon on Dee Street.  The third was on the side of the Cambridge Place building but is now covered by Lusty Jewellers.

Some More Ghost Signs

We keep looking for ghost signs and came up with five more before the end of the year:

Wright, Stephenson and Company, alongside the railway line near   the old Show Grounds

Purdue Brothers on Nith Street

Philips Electrical off Bond Street            Mainland Meat has now moved to Riverton                         Also on Nith Street

The more I look the more ghost signs I come across.  Here are a couple more seen right at the end of 2016 (Happy New Year to all our readers!)

By the railway on Tyne Street        Beautiful but still a ghost sign as the Operatic Society has moved 


Son Simon is proud of his garden and his tomato crop in particular.  He sent me this photo.  Artistic, yes?  Russ

Opportunity of a lifetime

Russ has just been away in Australia and thought you might like something he came across there.  It was plans for building a nesting box for possums. Now we know you'd all like to get your hands on one of those, especially Dusty!

We are all Garrick Tremain fans and Donald was telling us about a couple of his cartoons.  One was about about the high domestic air fares in this country and a guy complaining that because he couldn't afford to fly to Invercargill for a holiday he had to go to Sydney.

                                                                       Here's another Donald mentioned .....

Donald told us the story about Glasgow's soccer team Celtic that went north to Inverness to play the lowly-rated Caledonian Athletic team and unexpectedly lost the match.  The Caledonian Athletic team was familiarly known as Caley and the Glasgow team, of course, Celtic.  A newspaper headline the day after the match read:

                                                                               'Super Caley Go Ballistic Celtic Are Atrocious



Tony thoughts, June 16th, 2014:


Two headlines in this morning's Southland Times caught my attention regarding professional rugby players unable to play because of injuries. As a parent if I had sons I would never have wanted them to play rugby.

             These young men are trained to the n'th degree of fitness and strength and many of them are “big” men. It is inevitable that some of them are going to be injured in scrums, rucks or tackles. The injuries range from cauliflower ears to paraplegia and most parts of the body in between. Perhaps concussion is the most worrying.  One concussion is one too many in my book and some players have more than one and still come back for more. What damage does this lead to in their later life ?

              Is it the money, the glory, or the fact that they have been brainwashed into thinking all will be well after a period of rest? And  what will this cost our health system, never mind the delay to others who need surgery more urgently ?

             Not for my sons thank you.


And wanted to share this photo of the model he made of the Cutty Sark.










We have chatted about the Titanic disaster on a number of occasions and

brought along books on the subject.

Titanic Books:

Between us we have a small collection of books about the Titanic Disaster (and a memorial plate).  Here are the books:














Among the Icebergs RMS Titanic in photographs by Mark Brown and Roger Simmons.

A selection of photos some not seen before.


And The Band Played On ... by Christopher Ward.

Heroism of the musicians after the ship hit the iceberg.


A Night To Remember by Walter Lord.

The book that started it all and that inspired the 1958 film of the same name directed by Roy Ward Baker, starring Kenneth More.


How To Survive The Titanic or The Sinking Of J. Bruce Ismay by Frances Wilson.

Accused of cowardice, Ismay became the first victim of the press hate campaign.


Last Dinner on the Titanic by Rick Archbold and Dana McCauley.

Menus and recipes from the great liner.














Lights by Patrick Stenson.

A biography of the Titanic's second officer Charles Lightholler with details of his experiences during the disaster and others in his eventful life.


Lost Voices from the Titanic by Nick Barratt.

The definitive collection of eye-witness accounts of the disaster.


The Titanic 100th Anniversary by Jess Lomas.

More photographs, crew and passenger lists, finding the wreck.


Titanic Lives by Richard Davenport-Hines.

Stories of the men who built Titanic, the owners, the crew and the passengers of all classes.


Titanic Survivor edited and annotated by John Maxtone-Graham.

The memoirs of Violet Jessop Stewardess on Titanic.


Titanic - Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner by Susan Wels














The Lost Ships of Robert Ballard

Ballard found the Titanic in 1985 and since then has explored her sister ship Britannic, the Lusitania, the Andrea Doria and Hitler's most famous battleship, the Bismarck. This book gives a guided tour of the ships and is filled with hi-tech underwater photographs, archival photos and heaps more.


Notes on Life and Letters by Jospeh Conrad

This book has two chapters on the sinking of the Titanic written in 1912 the year of the disaster.  It is extensively quoted from in Frances Wilson's book (above).


The Man Who Sank Titanic by Sally Nilsson

The troubled life of Quartermaster Robert Hichens who was steering Titanic when she hit the iceberg.

Father Browne's Titanic Album by E. E O'Donnell

A record in pictures and words of the Titanic's voyage by Frank Browne who journeyed on the ship for the first few days.


There have been over 20 films made concerning the sinking of the Titanic.  As well as A Night To Remember, there have been The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964) directed by Charles Walters starring Debbie Reynolds and Titanic (1997) directed by James Cameron and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.







And here's the memorial plate mentioned above:


Tony's Thoughts - 30th July, 2014:

Two things last week gave me food for thought, not that I have not  thought about these things many times.

          I attended a funeral of a 51 year old lady who was universally loved by all who met her. She was a nurse who through her life had many different jobs in her field and latterly looked after the aged. She was loved by her family and she loved them.

          I also watched a programme on TV about a research project looking into why some people lived into their nineties. Thousands of elderly people had been included in the research. There were many imponderables such as why do some people with areas of plaque in the brain get Alzheimer's and some don't. The good news is that those who were slightly overweight lived longer and those who drank a couple of glasses of wine daily did better than those who didn't. The bad news is that in the retirement village where I live there are four times as many widows as there are widowers.  So at both ends of our life span life may not be entirely fair.

          Is our life span set in stone at the moment of conception ? Maybe we will never know. So Guys, “eat drink and be merry” and leave the rest to your genes.


A Hello from Dusty - 27th September, 2014:

Hi guys,

A quick line from paradise ..... thanks for the “right-honorable bloggers” award!  Last night on Choice

TV there was a piece about a chippy in Yorkshire who had won the 'best fish and chips in Britain title'.  

He gave a demo on how he cooked his wares, plaice and chips (which were golden crispy on the

outside and soft in middle} with a generous dollop of mushy peas.  By golly it looked right good too ....

I could almost smell them.  When I was just a young-un my mum always used to say, "You can always

rely on a good meal at Mcfisheries, Dave."  She was right as always 'cos you could get; plaice, chips,

peas, two slices of bread and butter and a cup of tea all for the princely sum of 2/6d country-wide.  

Oh for the old days when life was simple and you lived for the minute and to hell with the next 40 years.  

I thought you couldn't possibly survive another day without sharing that useless piece of information!

Cheers,  Dusty


[Thought you might like to see this photo of Dusty in his younger days]


Another Boat 

Russ and Lynley recently travelled on yet another boat, the Murray River Princess.  It was a paddle steamer and they enjoyed the wildlife and scenery on their three night cruise.  Yes, they did spot a kangaroo hopping along beside the boat!

As an Interpreter - Donald Campbell

I have been asked to act as an interpreter and translator in French, German and Japanese on various occasions over the last 40 years, including work for the police.  The most demanding and nerve-wracking jobs are in court where the prosecution and defence are, of course, in opposition to one another and the interpreter has no background to make any sense of the case.

      In the early seventies, a French expert was brought to Tiwai aluminium smelter to supervise the erection of French cranes.  He went for a drink in an Invercargill hotel with some NZ colleagues and was quite intoxicated when the police did their rounds.  They did him a favour by confiscating his car keys but he later decided to go to the police station to reclaim them.  The police told him to go away but he refused and they charged him with wilful trespass (at the police station!).  He was convicted and discharged.

      I was once asked to go to a lawyer's office to interpret for a Japanese woman who had been discovered in a cave on Stewart Island by some DOC workers. They were going to start a burn-off and tried to persuade her that it was too dangerous for her to stay there.  She was most evasive when the lawyer asked her questions and when I heard that she was rumoured to be the jilted mistress of a wealthy Japanese businessman and that the Australian media werre interested in a juicy scandal I decided that my Japanese was completely inadequte to deal with the situation.  I advised the lawyer to contact the Japanese embassy.


Another Hello from Dusty - October 2014

Gooday guys,

It’s a wet day today .... so I was having a gander at a few bits and pieces on the parachute regiment on Youtube .... looking at the training and stuff.  The thought passed through my mind, how did all this come about? Why would I subject myself to undergo what could arguably be said to be one of the toughest entry training regimes, apart from the S.A.S., in the world?  Well I can say that I really don’t know why ....


Coming from a carefree life at sea where after rising to the dizzy heights of a/b and seriously considering going for my 2nd

mate's ticket, I seem to have had some sort of brainstorm which continued on for the next several years. I did not, of course,

have any idea of just how tough the next 12 months would be. I knew it wouldn't be easy ... well it was brutal, to say the least,

both physically and even more so mentally.  In the next 12 months the British army changed me from a carefree seaman to a

parachute soldier ... the difference is like chalk and cheese.  The first words that were screamed at me were, “You’re here

to learn how to fuckin' kill people”. A shocking start and for the next year they did just that. 'Controlled aggression' was the

catchword but before they could control it you had to learn how to be a total maniac, finer feelings were eradicated from the

mind. They were considered to be a sign of weakness and therefore not a requirement of the para regiment.  Instead a total

arrogance reigned and it made you feel really good, a massive high of adrenalin, like you owned the world and that anyone

who didn't wear a red beret was somehow an inferior being. When we were on parade or walking about the place we had a

swagger in our step that no one in the world could remove.  Out of a 60 something intake of 278 Training Platoon after

parachute school, 15 of us went to battalion. I want to quote one of our famous generals, Montgomery, he said, "What manner

of men are these that wear the 'maroon beret'?  They are firstly all volunteers and are toughened by physical training. As a

result they have infectious optimism and that offensive eagerness which comes from well-being. They have jumped from the

air and by doing so have conquered fears. Their duty lies in the van of battle and they are proud of this honour. They have

the highest standards in all things, whether it be in the skill of battle or smartness in the execution of all peacetime duties.

They are in fact 'men apart'.  Every man an emperor - all of which make for success in battle. The spirit of the warrior is the

most decisive. That spirit will be found in full measure in the men who wear the maroon beret".                                                                Dusty on the right  


        After serving in 3 Para in places all over the world for three years my wife and I decided that it was time to move on with our life.  We did that but first I had to learn, with some difficulty I might add, how to become a normal human being again.  How to be humble is still not in my system, although I manage to be caring and thoughtful [sometimes].  Every so often, even at nearly 71 years of age, tucked away deep inside there lurks the demon, just waiting to re-emerge, even after all those years of normal life. I still think about those days.  I have done since I came out and nearly every day have some sort of recollection, such was the impact on my mind.  No one can say the British Army is not the best in the world - the best at brainwashing because I reckon I was radicalised.  That's a familiar word in the press and news lately.  Food for thought.  

       Cheers, Dusty

Tony told us about his Father

          It is the 100th anniversary of the sailing from Albany in Western Australia of the first Australian and New Zealand troops to the First World War. My Father was one of those troops.

          I knew nothing of his life before he married my Mother. He never ever talked about his previous life and as a boy I never asked. My Mother told me he had emigrated from the UK with one of his brothers to Western Australia, as far as I can make out at the age of 18, and had worked on a farm which was destroyed by a bush fire.

         While on a recent visit to Australia I saw an item on the TV news that there was a digitised archive on line listing the service records of all Australian troops but didn't give the site except to refer to their web site for further information. 

         As it was my last night there I didn't have time to look it up. When I got home the information was no longer on the site so I Googled “australian soldiers ww1” and by devious routes finally got a list of all the soldiers with my surname. There were 1721 men with the same surname. With much scrolling through many of the 80 pages of names I finally found his name and service record. There were 51 pages of documents some very difficult to read being 100 years old. It appears that he joined the army after the fire and served for 12 years before the outbreak of war. He signed up to serve throughout the war at the age of 30. He left Albany on the “Medic” troop ship to the Middle East.  From there he served in Gallipoli and then France. Documents showed his promotion to sergeant, lieutenant and captain. He was captured in France and managed to escape and found his way to the UK through Holland. He spent some time in England and met my Mother.  They were married in 1917. He then was sent back to France until the end of the war. He was demobbed in England in 1919 after applying for special dispensation not to go back to Australia. There was a letter from his Father aged 81 asking for him to be allowed to take over his business.

         So purely by the coincidence of being in Australia and watching the news I was able to find my Fathers history after 100 years.




Only just remembered!

         Despite all the chats we've had about yachts it's odd but I've (Russ) only just remembered that

I've had a photo of the yacht Iverna, taken in 1885, on my bedroom wall for the last 10 years or more!  

It was a gift from my wife Lynley to commemorate earlier yachting days. 

From Paradise, 8th February, 2015

Howdy guys,

 I’ve just got to tell you all about the most amazing breakfast that I had this morning – rosti.  Hum you think, just a bit of grated spud.  Well, that’s right of course but this rosti was amazing,  so ….


Grate one or two potatoes (agrias are best), squeeze the spud juice out with your hands and place the “wrung” potato shreds into a bowl.  Finely chop a small onion and along with some grated cheese and one egg, mix the lot together with a fork until fully mixed.  Add salt and pepper.  Put some rice oil or any oil in a frying pan, add two rashers of bacon and cook on a low heat.  Then using a spoon/fork drop enough of the mix into the pan to make a decent pattie (usually about 75 mm across and 25mm thick).  Cook until crispy on one side then turn, likewise.  Serve on a warm plate with a slice of your favourite bread.  The rosti only takes a few minutes to make, ten minutes to cook.  I followed mine with a nice brew and enjoyed it with a great new author I’ve just discovered called Terry Darlington. He’s written three books in total, something a bit different, certainly written in a most refreshing manner.  He was saying that he and his wife were staying at the Ritz for a couple of days and he had one of their prawn cocktails.  He followed up with, “ I was in bed for two weeks, that’s what happens when you get ideas above your station”!

         Anyway, that’s my idea of a great start to anyone’s day. Isn't it great to be retired, especially when the sun’s shining in paradise.   I’d be interested in your comments,  cheers Dusty

E-mail from Dusty

Dusty is a much-valued honorary member of Wednesday Chatters.  We receive regular emails from him written in his own indomitable style - they are usually edited (see above).  However, this one we decided to leave in the form it was written.  Don't you just love his idiosyncratic punctuation!  Enjoy. 


Hi all,  weather’s cold,, sheet loads of rain,, so we are battened down snug as bugs,, big fire going with loads of wine,, big beefy soups and stews [I always find some comfort in a lovely beef stew with lots of nice carrots in it] and heaps of library books,,, we had a bit of an adventure a couple of weeks ago amid all that heavy rain,, jackie had an appointment in clutha so we had to go,, a quick glance in crossing the (river) maclennen at the bottom of the big hill on passing should have warned me,, but you know me,, once I’m in the door it’s a green light,, so after a wet day enjoying the pleasures and bawdy houses of clutha [it was dark at 4pm] we started back home,, wipers were on double time all the way,, so we arrive at the bottom of the big hill where we had to drop both anchors and go full astern,, the maclennen was in full flow,, so was a big part of the road,, I may or may not have attempted a daylight crossing,, running out of bottle we decided to retreat,,, back we go to the burnt flat road which is the only other way to get to paps (Papatowai),, you roam all round the country on this road  and eventually end up on the puhou road,, of course the burnt flat although being open was awash nearly all the way through especially around the different creeks and lower lying parts of it,, so into the trusty 4 wheel drive and off we go,, slashing rain,, deep mud and slop all over the road, miles from anywhere we motored across wet slippery surfaces till we ended up at the bottom of the puhou fully expecting the road past rotten row to be under water,, it was high but you could see the road,,, I said to jackie “well that was sort of an adventure really wasn’t it” anyway the plan was that if rotten row had been submerged because it was high tide, we would just sit and wait for the tide to drop,, hopefully then the water,, after all we had two dogs to keep us warm and an ass end full of shopping to feed us,, but as it turned out we romped home in triumph,, only to get soaked unloading the groceries,,, bit of a let down really,, we hope you are both keeping the 3 wuus,, well,, warm and well read,,,

The Barque Zealandia, from Russ

Considering the size of the town, there are quite a number of pubs in Bluff.  Recently I was in the Eagle Hotel and admiring the many photographs on its walls.  Like similar establishments in the town they mostly featured ships and the activities associated with a busy New Zealand port.  One I discerned was the barque Zealandia.

         This ship was already known to me from a family album.  The grandfather of my first wife had been a surgeon on the Zealandia, then under the command of Captain Bates.  Grandad was part of the crew for at least one of its voyages to Bluff, probably the last in 1899.  I knew this from a family album featuring photographs of grandfather’s stay in the town. 


In all Zealandia made 31 voyages to New Zealand from London, three of them to Bluff:
























You can find out more by Googling:  White Wings VOL I,  Fifty Years of Sail in the

New Zealand Trade,1850 to 1900.


Steph Skjöldebrand's grandfather was an apprentice on the Zealandia for its 1899

trip to Bluff.  He took a number of photographs which Steph has very kindly let me show you.  Here are just a selection:















                                                                                                    "A bone in her mouth"                                                         "Taking the sun"  






















                                                                                                                                                  "Bending a foresail"



1897 May 29 - September 10

Sailed from London to Bluff in 104 days.

1898 June 22 - September 26

Sailed from London to Bluff in 96 days.

1899 June 29 - October 4

Sailed from London to Buff in 97 days.

The Zealandia was a full-rigged iron ship built in 1869 by C. Connell & Co., Glasgow

with dimensions: 215'6"×35'1"×20'3" and tonnage: 1165 GRT, 1116 NRT

and 978 tons under deck.

 Steph's grandfather M. Barrow at the wheel of Zealandia

               "View of poop and sea astern"

Hole in the Road

Dusty just pointed out to us that there might be a problem in getting to Papatowai where

he lives.  Due to the weather there's been a bit of a subsidence and a good part of

the road has slid off down the hill.  Since the road has been closed (and it looks as

though it'll be a while before they put it right) we'll have to use the inland route before

we can meet up with our friends.  Keep the wine cool for us Dusty!




                                                       Look what was feeding on our bird table

                                                                      today.  After local trapping of rats and

                                                                      possums the red-crowned parakeets are

                                                                      making a come-back.

Little Lending Libraries

Friend and Chatter reader Gina Brown is in Britain at the moment and sent this photo (near right) of a rather cuddly lending library she came across!  Son Simon said there was one just like it in a nearby village (far right) - he lives near Cambridge, U.K.  This encouraged a number of people to send me photos of other small libraries.  Apparently they are popular in America.


















Near daughter Amy's


This one from Christchurch

From Tony

The time may come when you do not want to maintain your house or garden. Perhaps you cannot carry on because of health reasons. You then must decide if you want to employ someone to help with the housework and a gardener to maintain the section. You may need help with the window cleaning, cleaning the gutters or

the odd painting job etc. The other alternative is to go into a Retirement Village.

       There are many options to consider. In most villages if you want independent living you can go into a separate one or two bedroom unit or an apartment in some villages. You will pay for the unit and sign an Occupation Right Agreement which gives you the right to occupy the unit or apartment without actually owning it. If you want more care you can go into a Cottage which is usually smaller with limited cooking arrangements. Some villages have a room only with en-suite, hospital and dementia units.

        The Government appoints a Statuary Supervisor to overlook all villages and makes some rules as to the operation of the village to protect the occupant.

You will pay a monthly fee to cover the insurance of your unit, maintenance of the property, lighting of the village, fire protection, nurse call, rubbish collection, maintenance of your unit, wages of the staff and management. You are responsible for electricity,  phone charges and the insurance of your chattels. You may pay city rates or they may be included in your fees.

        When you leave the unit to perhaps go into further care or die you will pay the operator a deferred management fee. This fee is from 5% to 7% of the purchase price of your unit for each of the first five years you are in occupation. So you loose from 25% to 35% of the price you paid originally after 5 years depending on the Village operator. Some villages market your unit or that may be your responsibility.

        Villages will have some or all of the following:-

Swimming pools, bowls greens, indoor bowls, cafe, library, gym, entertainment on a regular basis, trips for shopping, various occupations and sightseeing trips. Midday meals are available at an extra cost as are hairdressing, podiatry and ear care.  Cottages, rooms, hospital and dementia care are all charged monthly.

Great care must be taken by you when entering a village as there are so many options and prices.


One of our regular readers sent these two links about small libraries in New Zealand:




More of Steph's Grandfather's photos

While perusing Stephs Grandfather's photos again I came across two more that might particularly interest you.  The one on the left was captioned Trafalgar Street, Nelson. Cathedral at the end.  The one on the right,  Antarctic Expedition, Barque Discovery.


Donald sent the chucklingly amusing piece on the right about Facebook.  It came via relatives in England.

Two More Photos ...

  ... of the Zealandia found recently on the walls of pubs in Bluff.  There's quite a swag of maritime photos around the town if one cares to search for them.


They have quite a lot of storms in Sydney and we've experienced a number of them.  On one occasion, when we were staying with stepson Nicholas and his partner Brie, the drains on the apartment windows couldn't cope with the deluge and the balcony room became awash with water.  The noise of the thunder was incredible and the black clouds darkened the daylight sky.  Such a storm happened last week and Nicholas was able to capture a fine example of a lightning strike.  The view is from the north side of the bridge looking across towards the city.  You can just make out Pinchgut (Fort Denison) lower left.

Queen Victoria's Gift

I was chatting to a friend who had been looking at this website.  Specifically about an item we had featured on our 'Show and Tell' page, the gift box that the Princess Royal, Mary, had sent to all the British troops fighting in WWI. You may remember that each box contained cigarettes, a pencil and some sweets (lollies). My friend wondered if the Princess had got the idea from Queen Victoria who had presented a similar box to all the troops in the Boer War.  Each soldier at the front had been sent a blue, red and gold box containing chocolate.  The chocolate companies had suppied 120,000 of them and Queen Victoria was anxious that only soldiers should receive her gift so the number was strictly limited and any extra ones were destroyed at her request.



P.S.  It was Princess Mary's express wish that 'every sailor afloat and every soldier at the front' should have the present of her box. The gifts were devised in October 1914 and intended for distribution to all who were serving overseas or at sea, in time for Christmas 1914; afterwards, with the fund in surplus and many feeling they had been ‘left out’, distribution was extended more widely – to all who were serving, whether at home or abroad, and to prisoners of war and the next of kin of 1914 casualties. This widened eligibility to an estimated figure of 2,620,019

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Gwynne Dyer books members of the group are reading at the moment include;Crawling Through the Wrechage (2011 and Don't Panic (2014). 

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